A collection of randomness
I thought I'd write a bit of the random things that have been going on, while waiting for my adviser to give me a revision of my latest astrophysics paper. My adviser is very busy ...... therefore research is slow...... sigh.
1. The Cold: Is it bad that I felt really happy last Thursday when it got really cold. I kept thinking "This is what January is supposed to be like!" I enjoy snow, and I think it was comforting to be cold, because it reminds me of all the other winters I've had, I guess. It's going to continue to be cold this week, too, but it hasn't really bothered me yet, except when the wind is really strong. I think snow makes me happy ....
2. In my pas de deux class that I have taking (and struggling through, since the instructor just wants me to get a feel for things first before he starts refining) we did arabesque presses two Fridays ago, and I couldn't believe that I actually could extend my arms all the way for one of the girls. It felt pretty cool to be able to do that, and kind of amusing because the ceiling is not really high in that studio. I think the girls are all in high school. Aside from the instructor, the only other men that come to the class are some of the girls' fathers, so the instructor really appreciates me being there.
3. Sarah is getting mad at me, because I apparently am too balletic for her sometimes, for her modern dance piece. There were at least 2 times at rehearsal yesterday where she "yelled" at me for that. One of the times, I changed one of her turns into a chaines, which she was not thrilled about :-) and coached me to do it correctly. There was a bunch of coaching for me going on last night .... I didn't think anyone would get upset with me for taking too much ballet :-). {By the way, as a clarification, Sarah isn't really getting mad at me, just merely annoyed, hahaha, and she didn't really yell at me, hence the "quotes". Just more of a mild scolding, heehee}
4. Research is slow .... which is rather frustrating. I could rant about that for hours, especially with the latest events, but I won't subject anyone reading this post to that.
Greg! I didnt know you had your own blog. Very cool. Happy to hear you might join the reading group at thewinger. Pretty nervous because the book is really difficult to digest. Kind of like physics. You know how you can stare at half a page in a physics book for over three hours doing all the algebra in between each of the lines of equations and just taking it all in? Well its sort of like that. I keep forgetting these are dancers participating and used to difficulty.
I am working on a post now about dance and physics; specifically comparing movement variations and transformations on the hamiltonian. Hope you like it and glad I found your blog.
8:00 PM
You know, you told me you were going to start a blog, but you never actually told me when you DID. Or the address. And I'm slow, so it took me until now to realize that you are now commenting on my blog as a fellow blogger, and not a guest. So, now I'm caught up. I read the whole thing. Took forever. :) Phone call--yes. Sunday night? I'm 5 hours ahead of you. So how about 7 or 8pm your time? Or earlier...
3:43 PM
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