Dancing with Dark Matter .... The musings of a dancer and astrophysics PhD student

Friday, December 15, 2006

"Of the Transcendent Unknown" by Sarah Hixon

I had the immense pleasure and opportunity to perform in a Master's project choreographed by Sarah Hixon (a very good friend of mine), who is going for her MFA in dance choreography. A professional photographer friend of hers came to the dress rehearsal and took some great pictures, which you can see below. A video of the entire piece is on her blog, at shgumby.blogspot.com , in the Nov. 9, 2006 entry. We performed the piece the 2, 3, and 4 of November, 2006. I can't tell you how much fun it was, and how much I learned!
This spot in the piece (Me, Jadie, Sarah, Anna, and Maggie are the faces you can see) inspired my friend Chad to call us Zombie Mimes ... yes, we are wearing white face paint, which you can definitely tell in the next picture ....

It's good to know that my eastern European complexion is still not as pale as the face paint...
Woohoo, flailing limbs!This is a great shot of me holding Anna, with whom I LOVED dancing. Yes, it does look like I'm choking her ... that was part of the point..... For those of you who don't know, Sarah often said "Guys, it needs to be more violent! Throw each other around more. More violence!" Methinks she has some issues, hahaha!


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